
Widgets with Ht4.0

  I present you the HT4.0 Widgets, we don't talk much about them and yet they are very useful. If you want to have categories such as ''Cartoon'' or ''Family'' or ''Documentary'' that you have created yourself and you want to see them in the main page, Zidoo offers this possibility with its ''Widgets''. --------- Here is an example I created 2 folders ''Concert'' and ''Manga'' in one of my sources and I want to have on the main page of HT4.0. it's easy to do, c lick on the widget with the "+" symbol to add a new widget by choosing a folder in one of your sources. In my GIF below, I add the folder ''concert'' and ''Manga'' and 2 new icons appear with a logo which is not to my taste. --------- No problem, by pressing the key ''Menu'' of the remote a pop up appears allowing you to change icon. Here's how to change using the ...

Zidoo UI customization Z1000Pro/UHD3000

  Zidoo UI customization Z1000Pro/UHD3000 Zidoo offers a folder containing an APK and a guide for the modification of the homepage of the UI ''Cancer Download link ------------------------- In the ''Zidoo UI customization Z1000Pro UHD3000'' folder, you have all the tools and examples to customize the UI Cancer of your Z1000PRO/UHD3000. ------------------- Note that the APK ''ZIDOO_UI_1619DR'' is already installed on the 2 boxes by default, the one available in the folder is not useful. -------------------- I have created new Icons for the GUI Cancer, which are to my taste. if you are interested here is a link to download them See you soon

Hello to all the newcomers and also to those who hesitate and are one-day visitors

  Hello to all the newcomers and also to those who hesitate and are one-day visitors Today, I propose you a GIF that makes the tour of the elements that are selectable on a movie information page... As you can see with this GIF, there are... Playing the movie, using the BDmenu, seeing trailers, bookmarking it, having information about the main actors, a summary of the movie's history, etc... there's even a popup to help you name correctly the movies with several ISO, what more could you ask for... (And we take the opportunity to see the actress ''gal gadot'' at the same time) I'm repeating myself but the layout of this page was well done, it contains a maximum of information/functionality and this despite a clean and classy interface. The Zidoo team did a great job and that's one of the strengths of Zidoo devices. See you soon

You don't want to have some of your movies grouped by collection

  You don't want to have some of your movies grouped by collection For new Posterwall users who do not want to have a ''collection'' and do not know how to do, here is the procedure. Use the button ''POP MENU'' and select ''DISBAND'' I don't know if it's possible but Zidoo could add an option similar to Kodi's ''Movie Set'' in HT4.0 options. See you

You have just added one or more movies....

  You have just added one or more movies to your source, HT4.0 has scanned them automatically, but the choice of posters does not suit you and those optionally available either and eventually you want Something out of the ordinary. There is a good website for that and that could suit you. I invite you to take a look at TPDB                                                                                                                Here are some examples that are to my taste and out of the ordinary but there are plenty of others, go take a look it's worth it if you want to add a touch of additional customization to your Posterwall

Unfortunately at the end of the scan....

Unfortunately at the end of the scan you realize that Ht4.0 has not grouped some of your movie collections for some reason. Here is my way to fix the problem, maybe there is a faster way but I don't know it.

Happy you just added a new TV show ...

  Happy you just added a new TV show in your source and you launch the scan... unfortunately Ht4.0 doesn't find it or is completely wrong... In this example I add a documentary category but after the scan of my Documentary folder the season 1 of the ''Tiny world'' is not correctly recognized and I find myself with a very ugly thing called ''Dancing Diamond''... No panic, here is my way to correct the problem and at the same time finish the creation of my category (Widget) The GIF is a bit long because I show the scan of the folder, the correction of the errors, the addition of the widget and the change of the icon.